
3.Brownfields: Land Degradation to Land Opportunities
Vikas Kumar Nirmal
Economic development has been the major focus of every nation across the globe. The cycle of three major pillars of holistic planning: physical, social and economic together contribute towards building overall structure for sustainable growth and development. Similarly the inherent property of resources paves the way for market force to utilize their potential in order to drive the life in a city. Land has been one source that gives us the maximum resources varying from food, minerals, habitat etc. It’s the responsibility of humankind not only to commercially exploit this resource but also to acknowledge its potential to serve us in all parameters. The industrialization in cities and suburbs have contributed immensely to exploitation of this rich resource and leaving behind environmentally contaminated properties. All these orphan lands are considered as hazardous due to their former use like industrial or mining whereas most of the time they have enough potential to be re-used. The paper aims to analyze the different best practices of Brownfield development across the globe and analyze their applicability in Indian cities so as to rationalize the use of land resource from degradation to opportunity and guide the city planning approach to its right path.