8.Diversity of marine macro algae of Okha cost, Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat |
Sanofar Khokher and N. H. Joshi |
The Okha coast is part of Gulf of Kutch. The Okha coast is blessed with rocky bottom, clear waters and good exposure of coast during the low tides. The diversity of marine macro algae were studied in detail during the period November 2104 to January 2016. Total coastline of the area were surveyed during 21 field trips conducted in different seasons and 74 species of marine macro algae were recorded of these 21 species belongs to Chlorophyceae (28%), 35 species belongs to Rhodophyceae (47%) and 18 species belongs toPheophyceae (25%). The maximum diversity with flourishing growth of the seaweeds was found during the period November to January. The economically important seaweeds like Gellidelaacerosa, Gracillariacorticata, Hypneamusciformis, Padinateterastomatica, and species of Enteromorpha, Caulerpa and Ulva were abundantly growing on the coast. Kappaphycusalvarzii is cultivated on large scale at these coast. |