
2.Bird Diversity - Flying Gems and its Association with Different Environmental Zones of Limestone Quarry at Cement Plant (Clinkerisation Unit), Narsingarh, District Damoh, Madhya Pradesh
Anil Kumar Trivedi
The state and the nature of habitat play a major role in understanding diversity and population of any species. In order to fulfill their basic needs like food, roosting and breeding etc., they search and find new habitat for their survival. The availability of diversity of birds in study area and their association with the local ecosystem depends on the various environmental factors like vegetation, quarry stones, quarry water, crops, climatic conditions etc. A study was conducted in the Limestone Quarry and Cement plant for two consecutive Seasons (January 2014 to December 2014) and species richness, density and range size distribution of birds which is found quite satisfactory. This study in the area indicates that species richness of birds is the highest at intermediate elevations along one of the most extensive elevational gradients ever examined. Additionally, primary productivity and factors associated with habitat accounted for most of the variation in avian species richness. The diversity peak at intermediate elevations and the narrow elevational ranges of most species suggest important conservation implications not only should mid-elevation areas be conserved, but the Entire gradient requires equal conservation attention.