13.Preventive Measures Of Environmental Degradation |
Honey Jalali |
The term environment means the circumstances or surroundings in which everything exists. Everything external to the organism is included in it. The organism may be a human, animal, plant, as well as surroundings. Also these organisms are dependent on each other for their sustenance and absence of any may lead to an imbalance in environment. This imbalance gives rise to various problems such as Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, and Careless use of Natural resources. Further associated or resultant issues could be landslides, desertification, deforestation, water logging, urban flood and unfortunately change in ecosystem. Environment & Development both act opposite to each other. This paper is related to the social aspect of environment because of which topic has gained importance in the recent past. For development to occur large scale industrialization is must which leads to concentration of population in an area, over exploitation of resources, improper waste management, demand for efficient transportation system all acting as the contributor to environment degradation. Evidently there remains a conflict between environment and development but with rise in urbanization, development cannot be stopped so an effort to strike a balance between the two is essential. Protection of environment thus becomes the responsibility of every individual, group, organization, Non Government Organizations in order to strike the balance between nature and humans. There are several laws relating to the environmental protection and conservation which already exists in India and have been enacted by the central government like the Environment Protection Act 1986. The study has tried to firstly, discuss the aspects of degrading environment and secondly, highlight practices that can be adopted in order to suggest preventive measures for the same. These measures range from raising awareness on environmental issues to rain water harvesting and waste segregation at house hold level. |