
4.Diversity of Zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera & Ostracoda) from Chembarampakkam Lake, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Jaysree Thilak and Neethu K. P.
The freshwater lakes form an important dynamic and productive ecosystem which supports various ecological functions and services. In lakes and ponds the most common groups of zooplanktons include Rhizopoda, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, fish eggs, fish larvae and insects’ larvae. The present study was conducted to acess the abundance and diversity of occurance of Rotifers, Cladocerans and Ostracoda in the Chembarampakkam lake.10 species of Rotifers belonging to 1 Order, 5 genera under 6 families and 10 species of Cladocera belonging to 8 genera, 2 orders under 6 families and one species of Ostracoda were identified from the Chembarampakkam lake. Keywords: Chembarampakkam, Rotifera, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Ecological functions.