3.An investigation of Plant diversity in and around Opencast Mining areas of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India |
Priyanka Singh, Rajeev K. Niranjan and Amit Pal |
Open cast mining and allied activities contributing significant infrastructure development and raising the living standards of mankind. However, Mining and Stone crushing industries has caused potentially adverse impacts on natural environment, society and cultural heritage, health of workers and communities in close proximity to operations. The forest of Bundelkhand region is Tropical Dry Deciduous in nature are under tremendous pressure of biotic interferences, climate change and vast experiences of open cast granite mining activities. Present studies have been carried out to evaluate the existing flora in Four opencast mining areas and their adjacent villages of Jhansi and Lalitpur district of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. On the basis of our extensive survey out of four selected sites highest numbers of species (53) have been found at Bundela Bandhu site in Lalitpur district and lowest number of species (31) has been observed at Karari site at Jhansi district. In present study and our periodical investigation there are 81 plant species have been found belonging to 36 Family. On the basis of their abundance in existing severe environmental conditions following species may be recommended as 1st choice for greenbelt design in an around opencast mining areas of Bundelkhand region. The species are as follows: Acacia nilotica, Bambusa vulgaris, Butea monosperma, Calotropis procera, Cynodon dactylon, Eucalyptus globulus, Jatropha curcas, Lantana camera, Ocimum gratissimum, Ziziphus mauritiana, Dalbergia sisoo, Vachellia nilotica, Adhatoda vasica, Allianthus excelsa, Datura metel, Nerium oleander, Tecoma stans. Keyword: Bundelkhand region, Opencast Mining, Stone crushing, Vegetation. |