
13.Biochemical and Chromatographic profiles of freshwater fingerlings Labeo rohita (Hamilton) exposed to Lead and Copper Heavy Metal Toxicity with response to tissue-specific variations.
Pragnya Priyadarshini, Pritirashmi Seth, Pushpanjali Mishra and Hongray Howrelia Patnaik
The fingerlings of freshwater carp, Labeo rohita were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (2.5, 2.9, 3.5, and 3.9 ppm) of lead and copper (lead nitrate and copper sulfate respectively) for a duration of 24 and 48 hrs. Muscle, Gill, Liver, and Intestine tissues were dissected after each period of exposure and subjected to total protein and lipid profiling. Overall, protein levels depleted with increasing concentration of heavy metal exposure and duration. Decreases in the total lipid profile were also observed. The overall depletion of protein could correlate to the susceptibility of the fish tissues to biotic and abiotic stressors. The depletion of the lipid profile indicated the damage and growth suppression of the tissues by various enzymatic reactions DNA synthesis, transcriptional regulation, catalysis, nitric acid, and oxygen sensing. Further, we separated methionine, proline, threonine, arginine, tyrosine, and glycine from the pooled samples of protein using paper chromatography. One-dimensional thin-layer chromatogram determined the separation of major classes of lipids varying in polarity that includes cholesterol, esters, and phospholipids. Keywords: Heavy metals, Paper chromatography, Thin-layer chromatography, amino acid, phospholipids, triglycerides. Abbreviations: Cu- Copper, Pd- Lead, hrs.- Hours, RPM- Revolutions Per Minute, TLC- Thin Layer Chromatography, PPM- Parts Per Million, UV- Ultra Violet, RF- Retardation or Retention Factor, LC50- Lethal Concentration 50%