
14.Contribution to the Valorization of the National Geological Heritage, Morocco
Fayçal AMINE, M’Hamed BERRAHMA and Abdellatif AARAB
Abstract: The enhancement of the geological heritage is necessary at a time when the growth and expansion of urban areas, the exploitation of fossils and minerals, are real threats to these geosites. The objective of this paper is to apply GIS technology in identifying geological geosites in Morocco by the interpretation of data related to geological geosites in Morocco using consistent net of survey control points, and allegation of other data which will help to identify and clarify this objective. Our work can be summarized in 3 axes as follows: (i) mapping of geosites using Geographic Information Systems (Mines, dinosaur tracks, fossils), (ii) contribution to a policy of preservation and enhancement of geological sites with all the partners concerned and to inform and raise awareness among the various stakeholders (government departments, local authorities, associations), as well as the general public, and (iii) proposal for a model valuation sheet to be dedicated to each geosite. The main aimis to elaborate a synthesis, which can be used as decision-making tool for the decision-makers. This paper also does not thus aspire in the least to be a work dealing with the geology of Morocco or an exhaustive inventory of the known geological geosites in Morocco. It only aspires to be a useful instrument within the reach of those who want to know a part of our geology. On other hand, we shall not hide the fact that we have also tried convey to the reader the special, unique and valuable character of Moroccan geological geosites, so that he may understand the importance of their care and preservation. Keywords: geological heritage